SWOT - My idea



What is good about your idea?  Why will it work? Why is it suitable for your target audience?

  •  I have a lot of actors that are reliable
  • I have got all the equipment
  • I have found a suitable location to film in.
  • As it is a horror it suits the target audience of teens.


What weaknesses may affect your idea? Time? Locations? Ideas? Actors? Resources (equipment)

  • I feel that time is a weakness because we have 5 weeks left of the project.
  • As I am filming at night, I am not sure what the lighting will be like, or the location
  • The actors may not like being in the dark and may not like the character I give them.


What opportunities are there for your idea?
What will it give your target audience?

  • I have actors that are available
  • The target audience will enjoy the horror element.


What threats are there? Has it been done before, will people be interested in watching it?

  • the location is a threat because we are unsure what comes out at night.


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