
How did you arrive at your idea?
My idea came from me and my brother, we sat down and gathered our ideas on a mind map and he thought of creating a horror trailer and I came up with the ideas for it.

How effective was your research in informing your idea?
It was effective because I didn’t start with this idea at the start, I changed it right at the end so I had to change some of my work, also I had to redo my poster as I changed the name of my project.

How did you develop your idea into a Finished Media Product?
My ideas developed by sitting with my brother and gathering ideas and thinking about what to do and where to do it.

How did you plan your media product?
I created a mind map, story board, I interviewed people to get ideas, I did a power point, a questionnaire and the rest was just planning.

What were the milestones identified in your plan?
The milestones were interviewing people and giving out questionnaires to get an idea on what to do my idea about.

Did you deviate from you original plan?
No I didn’t deviate from my original idea, I changed it last minute, I originally wanted to do a horror short film with a different poster but I decided to make horror trailer instead.

What were the reasons for these deviations?
The reasons where my clips didn’t suit a short film they were to short so I made a trailer and the poster didn’t look good so I put my actors on the poster and added some other things to it like blood and the title and age appropriate which was 15.

What elements of your product were the most successful?
The most successful was the questionnaires as people gave me good ideas on what to do my project on so what location, storyline and what genre I should choose.

What elements of your products do you feel needed further development?
I feel the interviews needed further development as I only interviewed 1 person so it didn’t really help me at all. So I should have interviewed more people.

What elements of your product would you change, and why?
I would change the interviews as I didn’t get a lot of feedback because I only interviewed 1 person.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your final product?
I think my final project is really good I put a lot of time and effort into making it and finding people to help me with it so actors and the storyline.

What do others say about your product?
They said it was amazing, great and really good. My friend said she liked the way I put it all together and the storyline fits into it and how well the actors did also my directing.

What have you learnt through completing your final product?
I have learned how to talk to people more and interview them, also I learned that I can do it as at the start I had no idea on what to do my final project about and I thought editing would be hard and stressful but it went all good and I got it done.

What would you do differently if you repeated the project in the future?

I would change my genre, I would still do a film/trailer but not horror maybe an action next time.


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