reflection 6/5/16

This week in lesson I worked on my proposal which was where I had to talk about my FMP so what my idea is, where I am going to filming it, what props am I going to use and what is the storyline. I also created a storyboard to show what my idea is about, what the story line is, just so people get an idea on what my short film is going to be about.

I feel like it went well as I got everything done, I even did more than I should of so I can get a higher mark. I am aiming for a merit or higher.

What went well for me was the proposal as I could talk about my idea and what it's about.

What didn't go well was the logo it was hard to create but I got it done.

What could of helped me was not being distracted by my peers and just got on with the work so next lesson I need to focus on the work and don't get distracted.


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