
Showing posts from May, 2016



My FMP project trailer

Final Movie

FMP Poster


Shooting schedule and shot list


Evaluation Of Research

Evaluation Of Research  The research I undertook was: looking at websites questionnaires and analysed results interviews focus group The research that was most effective was the questionnaire because it helped me get an understanding of my ideas. The research that was least effective was the interview because I only interviewed 1 person. My ideas developed following my research by asking people to give me feedback about my idea. As a result of my research, I decided to do a trailer instead of a short film. 

target lifestyle board


Risk Assessment Record


FMP PowerPoint


budget FMP

How much money will your FMP cost to make? Think about travel? Food? Props? I bought a camera to film with which coast 250 pound. I had to buy the mic that goes on the camera separate and that came to 60 pound then I had to get an SD card which was 5 pound. So in total I spent 350 pounds on equipment.  

story board FMP


Script FMP

THE HOUSE Mum (Danielle Sharp) Son (Connor Dabbs) Daughter (Charlotte Dabbs) Women Next Door (Joan Dormer) First Scene  Driving up the pathway to the new home start of convo, pull up Danielle turns to the back of the car and says... Danielle- This is our new home kids we are going to start a new happy life here, a fresh start for us all. Second Scene  Women next door knocks on the door to introduce herself, Connor answers then gets Danielle. Joan- Hello dear my name is Joan I live next door at number 18, just thought I would come and introduce myself, is your mother in? Connor- Oh hi nice to meet you (shouts)'' mum someone's at the door for you''  Danielle- Hello can I help you? Joan- Yes I was just saying to your son I live at number 18, my name is joanie. Danielle- nice to meet you my name is Danielle that was my son Connor and my daughter Charlotte is around somewhere. Scene 3  night time s

reflection 6/5/16

This week in lesson I worked on my proposal which was where I had to talk about my FMP so what my idea is, where I am going to filming it, what props am I going to use and what is the storyline. I also created a storyboard to show what my idea is about, what the story line is, just so people get an idea on what my short film is going to be about. I feel like it went well as I got everything done, I even did more than I should of so I can get a higher mark. I am aiming for a merit or higher. What went well for me was the proposal as I could talk about my idea and what it's about. What didn't go well was the logo it was hard to create but I got it done. What could of helped me was not being distracted by my peers and just got on with the work so next lesson I need to focus on the work and don't get distracted.

dead or alive animators

Richard Williams-  born March 19, 1933 Toronto canada age 83 Richard is known for animation director on disney who is fame for roger rabbit.   he also did  animation director on Disney/Amblin Who Framed Roger Rabbit and for his unfinished feature film The Thief and the Cobbler.   Ray harryhausen-  June 29, 1920 Los Angeles United States Of America then passed away May 7th 2013. Ray Harryhausen was an American visual effects creator, writer, and producer who created a form of stop-motion model animation known as Dynamation.  After having seen king kong  in 1933 for the first of many times on its initial release Harryhausen spent his early years experimenting in the production of animated shorts and he was inspired by the burgeoning science fiction literary genre of the period.

Camera Angles


equipment list

1. The Woods 2. Torch 3. Blood 4. Knife 5. House 6. Contact Lenses 7. Camera 8. Mics

proposal for FMP
