
Showing posts from April, 2016

reflection 29/04

The work I did this week was a thaumatrope, I also had to interview 3 people and ask them what they thought of my FMP and what ideas they have for me. I feel good about my work as I am  working towards a merit, distinction level. What didn't go well was the thaumatrope. I had trouble drawing and finding information about it. What could of helped me was doing as bit more research and asking for help and I should of listened a bit more at the start. Next week I need to focus on doing the work and concentrate by not getting distracted by others.

Reflection 22 April

This week I worked on a mission statement. We had to analyse our FMP. It was hard to write and think about what to write because I was still thinking about what to do for my FMP. It ended up good at the end because I could talk about my ideas and I was confident in what I chose to talk about. The bad part was the writing as I didn't have much to say. I didn't write a lot and I got distracted my peers but I finished it in the end. I could have written a bit more and explain my ideas.

focus group

My group gave me feedback and they told me I need to consider maybe doing different camera angles like when someone is running they can hold the camera. also I need a scary title for the short film. also I need to effectively come up with a storyline so it makes it better. they also said I need a script with it as people will be talking in it. they also suggested i use props like torches and stuff as i will be in the house at night with no power.        these are the questions my group asked me   what product are you making? what idea are you using ? where did the idea come from? what is the genre? who are your target audience?

Image Bomb


thaumatrope animation work



My Interview for FMP

colour way


mood board fmp


Mission statement

For this assignment I have chosen for my final major project to create a horror trailer and promotional poster. I have chosen this because i am good at filming and editing and i love horror films so it suits me very well and the fact that there are more horror films out these days so it will grab more attention.                                                                     The visual style will be in the format an adventure horror based round a young group of kids. The narrative plot is basically where a group of kids go on an adventure to find a myth thats been around for centuries so they want to find if its true. So they went to the apparent location where the ghost has been spotted they got there equipment and headed into the woods, and basically the spirit demon like creature takes them 1 by 1 until theres 2 remaining that escape they destroy it by doing some sort of spell to kill it for good. I have chosen to set this in the present and use local locations be
pie chart for questionnaire
questionnaire for FMP

SWOT - My idea

Swot SWOT – IDEA STRENGTHS What is good about your idea?  Why will it work? Why is it suitable for your target audience?  I have a lot of actors that are reliable I have got all the equipment I have found a suitable location to film in. As it is a horror it suits the target audience of teens. WEAKNESSES What weaknesses may affect your idea? Time? Locations? Ideas? Actors? Resources (equipment) I feel that time is a weakness because we have 5 weeks left of the project. As I am filming at night, I am not sure what the lighting will be like, or the location The actors may not like being in the dark and may not like the character I give them. OPPORTUNITIES What opportunities are there for your idea? What will it give your target audience? I have actors that are available The target audience will enjoy the horror element. THREATS What threats are there? Has it been
Secondary Research 

ideas for FMP

Genre FMP

horror  jump scares  ghosts/demons or spirits   zombies  the woods  haunted house  possessed   

mind map for fmp


Research Questionnaire
